Dirk Herfurth
- Germany -
Marketing & Entrepreneurship since 1992
Rock´n Roll Drumming since 1974

Hello, thanks for joining this page.

My Name is Dirk Herfurth, I´m 56 years old online entrepreneur living in the north-west of Germany.

Today I have important information for you regarding your financial future. But first of all, maybe briefly why I am taking the liberty of advising you on this.

After 3 years of professional training in the hotel industry and my compulsory military service in the German Armed Forces I was looking for capital for a startup as a young man in my early 20s. I didn't want to make myself dependent on banks and lenders and looked for alternatives. 

Eventually, through an invitation from a good friend, I ended up attending a financial services distribution company event and made my first million in 24 months. 
When someone asks me "how" I did it, I always answer "I made people millionaires," and I'm not lying about that. You can find out what followed here in brief sticky words.

See me at work back in 1993:

Here are 6 major key points of my business biography:
With the money I earned, I was able to invest in a franchise business and was already active as an entrepreneur in the field of web hosting in 1995, around 3 years before the commercial breakthrough of the Internet in Europe. You probably remember the same  famous AOL commercial like we saw in German TV – Tennis Star Boris Becker sits in front of his PC and asks

"Am I in there yet?"

I recognized the potential of this new technology three years earlier and invested time and money in setting it up. I remember that major car brands didn't even have an email address. And so-called "videos" were still animations that were updated every 10 seconds.

What happened to it today?

The world without the internet is difficult to imagine today. And it may now seem superfluous to address that, but in 1995 all of this was still an absolute utopia in the minds of mankind. Even with the very “brave” entrepreneurs who booked a website with me at the time. The vast majority had just got used to a portable phone and were overwhelmed with writing SMS messages.
After a long break as a result of a serious accident, I recognized another major trend on the Internet.

After it became more and more popular that we consumers were being misused by the dominant corporations as pure data suppliers for political and economic purposes (keyword NSA scandal, Wikileaks), my interest turned to data protection, privacy and security on the Internet.

So in 2012 I became a founding member of a company with a corresponding counter-concept, which to date - without commercial marketing - more than 3 million people worldwide have joined. Together with 3999 colleagues in teams from around the globe we developed the SAFEZONE.

And the development of digital payment transactions did not leave me without a trace, so in 2017 I invested in the establishment of a digital currency that has registered almost 1.27 million owners to date, to name just one fact in this context.

YEM stands for YOUR EVERYDAY MONEY and is the counter concept to Bitcoin & Co. . It has reached a value far over 25K USD to date. A considerable success when you know that there are only 100 out of over 15,000 existing crypto coins ever reached the mark of just 1 USD.

On July 4, 2014, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published their opinion on ‘virtual currencies’ (VC) versus fiat currencies (FC) (EBA/Op/2014/08). Based on this, YEM combines the best of two financial worlds - the Crypto and the Fiat world.

Already in May 2019 I discovered the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for private use and in the area of small and medium-sized companies. As one of the very first German founding members, I joined an idea that was followed by a further 1.4 million and which became a steadily expanding IT technology company with current branches on 5 continents and regions. That's how I became a proud brand ambassador for ONPASSIVE.

I invite you to use 3 free products immediately and without restrictions and to test the best platform for video conferencing for free. With the marketing professionals from ONPASSIVE you can build a secure and future-oriented business as an affiliate in the field of AI.


With my last project I developed a search engine for YEM offers. This is where shops that invest in YEM as a marketing tool find their new customers from the global circle of YEM owners and receive a lot of traffic to their websites, online shops, or to their restaurants, cafés, hotels and all other conceivable local shops and service providers.

Find ways to earn YEM as a consultant here
As an advertiser, check your marketing options
Find out here why this option is better than Google

Since January 2024, I have been a happy founding member of a business model that will probably reorganize the world of global trade through groundbreaking purchasing software, state-of-the-art AI and blockchain-based technology. It is so revolutionary and incredible that it takes a little more time to see it not as a marketing gimmick, but as a serious business concept. My newsletter will help you with that.

But of course you can also find out more directly on the company's prelaunch pages. Here are some topic-related landing pages that will take you to the homepage:

In short: I've always had the right “nose” for key trends and developments.
To be in the right place at the right time, that's the secret!
Today I offer you to benefit from my knowledge and guidance. It doesn't cost you a cent. 
Just become an active part of my network!
Here are a few quick tips before you visit me in one of the messengers above:
Please be friendly and avoid any complaints (not to be confused with constructive criticism). Introduce yourself and send a reference so I know you've read this page. Also ask your questions immediately. Time is money and I don't enjoy long chats, even though I know and respect this is the case in many cultures - so please don't take this as unkindness. I want to extend your time by getting straight to the point. Maybe you can already learn your first success lesson from this?

I look forward to hearing/reading from you.